Kurokawa Award Winner (Case Report Category)


Kurokawa Award (Case Report Category) Recipient’s Remarks

Junji Sunakawa, MD

Okinawa Miyako Hospital

I am honored to receive the Kurokawa Award at the American College of Physicians Japan Chapter Annual Meeting 2023.

I presented the case report titled “Spontaneous bladder rupture with profound hyponatremia and pseudo-renal failure”. Spontaneous bladder rupture is uncommon and there are few case reports that lead to profound hyponatremia. We repeatedly discussed from the perspective of pathophysiology why severe hyponatremia occurred in this case. I realized that the learning points became clear when I imagined how I would teach residents.

This was my first time to present a case report in English. Dr. Kiyoshi Kinjo gave me a lot of guidance. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Dr. Kinjo and my colleagues who worked very hard with me on this difficult case.

As a doctor who works on a remote island, it is my important job to share interesting cases that are unique to remote islands. I will continue studying and working hard to grow my skills as a good clinical educator.

Finally, I would like to express my appreciation to everyone involved in the ACP Japan Annual Meeting 2023.



ACP日本支部年次総会・講演会2023 黒川賞(症例報告部門)を受賞して
沖縄県立宮古病院 砂川 惇司



