Excellence Award Winner (Case Report Category)


Excellence Award (Case Report Category) Recipient’s Remarks

Taiga Komatsu

St. Luke’s International Hospital

I am honored to have received the Excellent Award (Case Report Category) at the ACP Japan Chapter Annual Meeting 2023. I presented a case of “Diagnosis of human alveolar echinococcus mimicking cancer of unknown primary”. First, we could not find the primary tumor and then we also did a biopsy, the result of which suggested echinococcus. In this case, I emphasized how important history taking is.

We sometimes rely on the result of blood tests and imaging to diagnose without spending enough time in history taking and physical exams. Because the primary tumor was not found in this case, we did imaging, endoscopy/colonoscopy and a biopsy, and then we first suspected echinococcus. After that, we were able to get a reasonable social history. This reminds me of the importance of history taking because if we had asked more at first, we would have gotten the correct diagnosis earlier.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the doctors of the Department of Medical Oncology, Hokkaido University, who taught me a lot. I would also like to express my gratitude to all involved in ACP Japan Chapter Annual Meeting for giving me such a wonderful chance to make a presentation.



ACP日本支部年次総会・講演会2023 一般演題優秀賞(症例報告部門)を受賞して
聖路加国際病院 小松 大我

この度は、ACP日本支部2023年次総会においてExcellent Award (Case Report Category)をいただき、大変光栄に存じます。今回、私は“Diagnosis of human alveolar echinococcus mimicking cancer of unknown primary”という演題で発表させていただきました。原発不明癌疑いで精査を行いましたが原発巣は見つからず、その後生検をした際にエキノコックスが疑われた症例に関して発表し、問診の重要性を強調致しました。

