Internal Medicine Meeting 2024 Doctor’s Dilemma体験レポート(3)


福島県立医科大学総合内科の庄子啓先生から、Internal Medicine Meeting 2024 Doctor’s Dilemmaの体験レポートを頂きましたのでご報告いたします。

この度、私は米国内科学会日本支部関係者の皆様からの旅費助成を含めた多大なるご支援のもと、アメリカボストンのACP学会で開催されたクイズ大会、Dr’s. Dilemmaに参加しました。医療に関する幅広い知識が問われるこの大会は、私にとって非常に刺激的な経験となりました。米国の学生たちが、様々な問題に対して自信を持って素早く回答していく姿が印象的で、その対応力に感銘を受けました。特に、日本の医学教育では、体系的に知識を習得し、じっくり考えた上での診断力を養うことが重視されていますが、一方で、米国の教育では実践的な応用力と即応性が重視されていることを感じました。また基礎医学及び公衆衛生に関連する問題も多数出題され、これらの領域の米国における重要性を知り、また日々の臨床と結びついていることを垣間見られるよい機会になりました。


With the generous support of the American College of Physicians (ACP) Japan Chapter officials, including travel grants, I was able to attend the quiz competition, Dr’s. Dilemma, held at the ACP Society in Boston, USA. This competition, which tested a wide range of medical knowledge, was a very exciting experience for me. I was impressed by the way American students confidently and quickly answered various questions and was impressed by their responsiveness. In particular, I was impressed by the fact that Japanese medical education emphasizes the acquisition of knowledge in a systematic manner and the development of diagnostic skills based on careful consideration, whereas U.S. education emphasizes practical application and immediate response. In addition, there were many questions related to basic medicine and public health, and it was a good opportunity for me to learn about the importance of these areas in the U.S. and to get a glimpse of how they are connected to daily clinical practice.

Learning in such a different culture was refreshing for me and provided me with an opportunity to gain new perspectives that can be applied in the Japanese medical field as well. I also learned about international medical situations and different approaches to medical care through exchanges with American participants. It was a meaningful time that led to my personal growth. Based on this experience, I would like to contribute to the provision of medical care to patients in Japan by learning and practicing a more multifaceted approach.

Internal Medicine Meeting 2024 Doctor’s Dilemma体験レポート(2)


市立福知山市民病院の奥村尚稔先生から、Internal Medicine Meeting 2024 Doctor’s Dilemmaの体験レポートを頂きましたのでご報告いたします。

この度、光栄にもInternal Medicine Meeting 2024のDoctor’s Dilemmaに参加させていただきました。初めての国際学会でもあり、Doctor’s Dilemmaだけでなく、規模の大きさ、学会の雰囲気、そして講演などの全てが刺激的に感じました。Doctor’s Dilemmaに関しては、残念ながら望んだ成績を残すことができませんでしたが、学会参加を通して多くのことを学びました。

現地の教育講演は、非常に高い質のもので、基礎的な内容から最新の臨床研究までを解説するものが多く、大変勉強になりました。また、展示会場では最新の医療機器はさる事ながらら、JAMA Internal MedicineのEditor in Chiefなどの医療界のTop Runnerとお話しをする機会を得られ、国内学会ではなかなか得られない経験をすることができました。



I had the honor of participating in the Doctor’s Dilemma at the Internal Medicine Meeting 2024. This was my first international conference, and I found everything—from the scale and atmosphere of the conference to the lectures—extremely stimulating. Although I was unable to achieve the desired results in the Doctor’s Dilemma, I learned a great deal through my participation in the conference.

The educational lectures on-site were of very high quality, covering topics from basic content to the latest clinical research, and I found them incredibly informative. Additionally, at the exhibition hall, I had the opportunity to interact with top leaders in the medical field, such as the Editor-in-Chief of JAMA Internal Medicine, and to see the latest medical equipment. These experiences were invaluable and something I rarely encounter at domestic conferences.

I will continue to strive to improve my medical knowledge and English proficiency so that I can participate in international conferences with my own research presentations in the future.

I deeply thank the Japan Chapter of the American College of Physicians for providing me with such a valuable opportunity. Additionally, thank you very much for the financial support.