Governor’s Newsletter(September 2024)



本日は、2024年9月19-21日、ボストンで開催されましたACP支部長会議 (Board of Governors Meeting, BOG)で話題となったことをご報告させていただき、今後の日本支部の方向性も共有させていただきます。

日本支部は、Chapter Excellence Gold Award を初めて受賞いたしました!

Chapter Excellence Gold Award

ACPリエゾン担当 Dana Accordさんと一緒に。




このほか今回の支部長会議では、ポスト新型コロナウイルス時代のパブリック・ヘルスのあり方、ワクチンなどについて、米国疾病対策センター長 (Director, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC)のDr. Mandy Cohen が講演されました。COVID-19により判明したシステムの脆弱性を改善していると冷静かつ力強い内容でした。また米国外の組織ともさらに有益なコラボレーションをしていくとのことで、お会いした時に、日本でも国立感染症研究所と国立国際医療研究センターによるCDC日本版が設立されたことをご存知で、よろしくお伝えくださいとお言葉をいただきました。


特に日本支部のStudent Committeeが、California Southern Region IIIと活発に交流し、インド支部も交えてオンライン会議を4回開催したこと、2023年4月のACP総会で学生委員のジョーンズ空さんがシンポジウムでの発表の機会をいただいたこと、Dr. Marion McCrary が2024年6月の招聘講演に来日したこと、Dr. Irene Maが2024年4月から開始したRising Star Scholarship Program(総合内科キャリア支援)の 臨床見学を受け入れてくださったこと、日本支部ではVision 2030 (総合内科の役割、予防医療の推進、医療者教育のベストプラクティス)を設定し活動していることなどを紹介しました。発表後、参加者から多数の賞賛の言葉をいただきました。


支部長 Class of 2027 (任期2023-2027の支部長の集まり)


Governor Newsletter September 2024

How are you doing now that the days are turning from hot summer to worrisome typhoons?
Today, I would like to report on the topics discussed at the ACP Board of Governors Meeting (BOG) held in Boston on September 19-21, 2024, and share the future direction of the Japan Chapter.

There was very good news at this meeting.
The Japan Chapter received the Chapter Excellence Gold Award for the first time!
This is the highest award in chapter management, and I would like to once again thank everyone involved for their hard work and dedication.

Chapter Excellence Gold Award

Myself with the ACP Liaison, Ms. Dana Accord

In addition to this, the Japan Chapter ranked first in annual dues collection among chapters in the U.S. and worldwide!
Although members outside the U.S. account for about 15% of the total membership, the presence of the Japan Chapter is very significant, We look forward to your continued success and your participation and cooperation in ACP activities.

Meeting with breakfast:From the left, Canada, Venezuela, Panama, Japan, India, South America, Chile, and Brazil Chapter Governors

A roundtable discussion among the Governors

Other speakers at this year’s Board of Governors’ meeting included Dr. Mandy Cohen, Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), who spoke about public health in the post-pandemic coronavirus era, vaccines, and other topics. She spoke calmly and powerfully about improving the systemic vulnerabilities identified by COVID-19. She also said that she would further beneficial collaborations with organizations outside the U.S. When we met, she told us that she was aware of the establishment of the Japanese version of the CDC by the National Institute of Infectious Diseases and the National Center for Global Health in Japan and asked me to convey her best wishes to them. In addition to this, the Japan Chapter has been a model for Chapter collaboration, and I have presented a number of current collaborations on my part.

Presentation on Japan Chapter’s collaborations

In particular, the Student Committee, Japan Chapter has been actively interacting and collaborating with California Southern Region III Chapter and has held four online meetings including the India Chapter as well. Ms. Sora Jones, a Student Committee member, was given the opportunity to present at the symposium at the ACP Annual Meeting in April 2023. Dr. Marion McCrary came to Japan to give invited lectures in June 2024, Dr. Irene Ma accepted a clinical visit for the Rising Star Scholarship Program (career support in general internal medicine) Awardee Dr. Kosuke Tanaka in April 2024. The Japan Chapter has been working on the Vision 2030 (Roles of General Internal Medicine, Promotion of Preventive Medicine, and Best Practices in health professions education). After my presentation, I received many words of praise from the participants.

We look forward to your continued support for the activities of the ACP Japan Chapter in the future. The ACP Japan Chapter Annual Conference is scheduled on Saturday and Sunday, June 28-29, 2025 in Tokyo (tentative venue). We look forward to your participation.

Governor Class of 2027