Governor’s Newsletter(November 2024)
2024年6月には東京赤坂で年次総会・講演会を開催することができました。また各委員会の皆様により活発な活動が継続されております。一旦、活動休止中でしたEarly Career Physicans Committeeでは新しい展望を持ち活動を再開していただいております。うれしい受賞のニュースも複数ありました。2003年に日本支部が設立されてから初めて、Chapter Excellence Gold Award 2024を受賞しました。皆様のご尽力のおかげです。
また前支部長の前田賢司先生が、MACPを受賞され2025年4月にConvocationで盛大なセレモニーがあります。米国本部のGlobal Physicians Scholarship (GPS)に日本支部から吉野鉄大先生が応募され、見事、GPS を受賞されました。米国での4週間の臨床ローテーション・プロジェクトが予定されております。日本支部ではRising Star Scholarship Program に稲葉哲士先生、石原洋先生、応募され、受賞されました。2025年4月のニューオーリンズで開催予定の米国年次総会にご参加され、お二人ともその後、カルガリー大学のIrene Ma教授のもとで1週間、Point-of-care ultrasounds (POCUS)を用いた総合内科のコンサルテーションについて研修されます。2025年6月28-29日(土日)には、東京(国際医療福祉大学赤坂キャンパス)にて、年次総会・講演会が開催されます。Scientific Program Committee委員長の北野夕佳先生が大会長を引き続き鋭意準備をされております。皆様、ぜひ奮って、ご参加をお願い申し上げます。
日本支部長 (2023-2027)
To all members of the Japan Chapter,
As autumn deepens, we are now in the season of beautiful autumn foliage. I hope you are enjoying the vibrant colors of this time of year and staying well.
How was the year 2024 for everyone?
The Japan Chapter has had a fulfilling year with various activities.
In June 2024, we successfully held the Annual Meeting in Akasaka, Tokyo. Each committee has continued to engage in active initiatives, and we are pleased to report that the Early Career Physicians Committee, which had temporarily paused its activities, has resumed operations with a renewed outlook.
We also received several delightful awards this year. For the first time since the Japan Chapter was established in 2003, we were honored with the Chapter Excellence Gold Award 2024, thanks to everyone’s dedication and hard work.
Additionally, our former Governor, Dr. Kenji Maeda, received the MACP (Master of the American College of Physicians) Award. A grand convocation ceremony will be held in April 2025 to celebrate this remarkable achievement.
From the Japan Chapter, Dr. Tetsu Yoshino applied for the Global Physicians Scholarship (GPS) offered by the ACP headquarters and was successfully selected as a recipient. He is scheduled to participate in a four-week clinical rotation and project in the United States.
Moreover, two members, Dr. Tetsushi Inaba and Dr. Yo Ishihara, applied for and were awarded the Rising Star Scholarship Program by the Japan Chapter. Both will attend the 2025 ACP Annual Meeting in April in New Orleans and afterward will undergo a one-week training at the University of Calgary under the guidance of Professor Irene Ma. This training will focus on consultations in general medicine using point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS).
Looking ahead, on June 28-29, 2025 (Saturday and Sunday), we will hold the Annual Meeting at the Akasaka Campus of the International University of Health and Welfare in Tokyo. Dr. Yuka Kitano, Chair of the Scientific Program Committee, is diligently preparing as the conference chair. We sincerely invite all of you to participate actively in this upcoming event.
We deeply appreciate your continued support and guidance for the Japan Chapter’s activities in 2025 as well.
Wishing you all a wonderful New Year!
Harumi Gomi, MD, FACP
Governor, Japan Chapter (2023-2027)