2022~2023年度ACP日本支部Contribution Award受賞者の言葉(3)


2022~2023年度ACP日本支部Contribution Awardを受賞して

千葉西総合病院内科の八重樫 牧人先生から、2022~2023年度ACP日本支部Contribution Award受賞の報告を頂きましたのでご報告いたします。


千葉西総合病院 内科 診療部長

八重樫 牧人

Makito Yaegashi, M.D, FACP, FCCP

この度はACP日本支部からACP Japan Chapter Contribution Awardを受賞し、心から光栄に思っております。私は米国内科レジデント・呼吸器内科フェロー・集中治療フェローの研修を修了して日本に2006年に帰国しましたが、その後からACP日本支部会員として活動させて頂いております。



毎年のACP日本支部総会では、最新論文20選の共同演者となったりDoctor’s Dilemmaの出題者となったりはしておりますが、まさか私がこのような賞を頂けるとは思っておりませんでした。大変感謝しております。日本の医療は良くも悪くもガラパゴス化しています。米国・海外と視野を広げることで、日本の「伸びしろ」をエビデンスに基づき改善に繋げられるのがACP日本支部だと信じております。私の予防医療とMKSAPの活動もその一環であり、ベクトルが100%一致する素晴らしい学会があり、その一員であることは誇りです。今回の受賞を新たなスタートと捉え、微力ながら貢献させて頂きます。今後ともご指導ご鞭撻よろしくお願い致します。

2022~2023年度ACP日本支部Contribution Award受賞者の言葉(2)


2022~2023年度ACP日本支部Contribution Awardを受賞して

飯塚病院総合診療科の清田雅智先生から、2022~2023年度ACP日本支部Contribution Award受賞の報告を頂きましたのでご報告いたします。


飯塚病院総合診療科 診療部長


Masatomo Kiyota, MD.

2023年にACP日本支部よりContribution Awardという栄誉ある賞を与えていただきました。この場を借りて厚く御礼申し上げます。

私は福岡県の飯塚市で、研修医から29年の間ただ目の前の臨床と研修医への教育に携わってきた者です。私と米国の内科との接点は、飯塚病院の計らいでPGY-2にGeorgetown Universityへ派遣いただいた1ヶ月の見学と、PGY-11にMayo Clinicにvisiting clinicianという立場で感染症の勉強を3ヶ月行ったのみです。ACPに特に関係があったわけではございませんが、当時のGovernorのお計らいで2013年より招聘講演という形でお招きいただき、その後約10年間ACP日本支部の年次総会に参加させていただきました。講演では臨床で悩んできた難しい症例を中心に、自身が学んできたことを皆様とシェアをする気持ちで臨んでおりました。そして冗長ともいえる多くの文献を引用して、疾患の理解のため歴史的経緯をわかるように配慮をしてきたつもりです。時には参加者が会場から溢れるほど集まっていただいたこともあり、この会に参加される方々の熱意を感じつつ、感謝の気持ちを持ちながら講演をさせていただいておりました。また、この会を通じて知遇を得て交流が始まった先生方が多くおられ、私自身にとっても人的な財産にもなっております。


2022~2023年度ACP日本支部Contribution Award受賞者の言葉(1)


2022~2023年度ACP日本支部Contribution Awardを受賞して

国際医療福祉大学大学院医学研究科・医学部脳神経内科学の永山正雄先生から、2022~2023年度ACP日本支部Contribution Award受賞の報告を頂きましたのでご報告いたします。


国際医療福祉大学大学院医学研究科・医学部脳神経内科学 教授


この度はACP Japan Chapter Contribution Awardに選出頂き、大変光栄に存じます。これまで常にsubspecialtyであるNeurology、神経学、脳神経内科学と同等あるいはそれ以上に内科学に関する診療、教育、研究に取り組んで参りましたので、ACP Japan Chapterから学び、ACP Japan Chapterに貢献することは当然のことでした。その結果、思いがけずこの賞を拝受できることはこの上ない喜びです。

私は以前から、米国をはじめとする海外との交流、共同研究、国際協力に取り組んでおりますが、内科学以外に脳神経内科学、神経集中治療医学のフェロー(上級会員)を米国学会から戴き、国際的、学際的、多職種での仕事を行う機会に恵まれてきました。また各領域にわたる横断的テーマとして、鑑別診断、急性期重症患者管理、蘇生、医療安全・危機管理、医の倫理・生命倫理、医学教育とくに医学英語教育に取り組んで参りました。これらの切り口からの多種多様なアプローチが内科臨床、内科学、引いては領域を超えて予防医学・医療、リハビリテーション医学・医療の向上に繋がり、わが国のプレゼンスの向上に貢献できるものと信じつつ、その最も重要な場としてACP Japan Chapterでの活動になお一層取り組んで参りたいと思います。この度は本賞に選出頂き誠に有難うございました。


Excellence Award Winner (Case Report Category)


Excellence Award (Case Report Category) Recipient’s Remarks

Taiga Komatsu

St. Luke’s International Hospital

I am honored to have received the Excellent Award (Case Report Category) at the ACP Japan Chapter Annual Meeting 2023. I presented a case of “Diagnosis of human alveolar echinococcus mimicking cancer of unknown primary”. First, we could not find the primary tumor and then we also did a biopsy, the result of which suggested echinococcus. In this case, I emphasized how important history taking is.

We sometimes rely on the result of blood tests and imaging to diagnose without spending enough time in history taking and physical exams. Because the primary tumor was not found in this case, we did imaging, endoscopy/colonoscopy and a biopsy, and then we first suspected echinococcus. After that, we were able to get a reasonable social history. This reminds me of the importance of history taking because if we had asked more at first, we would have gotten the correct diagnosis earlier.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the doctors of the Department of Medical Oncology, Hokkaido University, who taught me a lot. I would also like to express my gratitude to all involved in ACP Japan Chapter Annual Meeting for giving me such a wonderful chance to make a presentation.



ACP日本支部年次総会・講演会2023 一般演題優秀賞(症例報告部門)を受賞して
聖路加国際病院 小松 大我

この度は、ACP日本支部2023年次総会においてExcellent Award (Case Report Category)をいただき、大変光栄に存じます。今回、私は“Diagnosis of human alveolar echinococcus mimicking cancer of unknown primary”という演題で発表させていただきました。原発不明癌疑いで精査を行いましたが原発巣は見つからず、その後生検をした際にエキノコックスが疑われた症例に関して発表し、問診の重要性を強調致しました。



Excellence Award Winner (Clinical Research Category)


Excellence Award (Clinical Research Category) Recipient’s Remarks


Tokushima University

I am honored to be the recipient of Excellence Award in the Clinical Research Category at the American College of Physicians (ACP) Japan Chapter Annual Meeting 2023. As a first-timer presenter at an academic conference, I feel belated to receive such a prestigious award.

The title of my research presentation was “Impact of Near-Peer Teaching on Medical English Learning Motivation among Medical Students and Residents.”

This is research is about an USMLE study group which I am a member of, called “USMLE Study Group of Tokushima (USGOT)”. The group objective is not only for holding USMLE study sessions, but also for improving its members’ motivation for learning English and studying abroad. To achieve these purposes, we work with Near-peer teaching methods rather than the Teacher-centered approach that is common in classrooms.

This study compared the Near-peer teaching method to Teacher-centered method in regard to its effectiveness in terms of participants’ English proficiency and attitudes toward studying abroad and taking the USMLE exam.

The reason I started this research was because of a suggestion from Prof. Yoji Hoshina, my senior in the group. I had no prior actual research experience, so this study was a learning experience as well. Under his guidance, I was able to design and conduct a study that I can be proud of. Additionally, I would like to thank Prof. Hodaka Takaiso, a graduate and senior of mine in the university and Prof. Kiyoshi Shikino of Chiba University for their advice and support during the whole research period. It was all their support that made realize the fun in research, and I would like to continue to do research study with this mindset in the future.

Finally, I would like to express my utmost sincere gratitude to the American College of Physicians (ACP) Japan Chapter for organizing this conference.



ACP日本支部年次総会・講演会2023 一般演題優秀賞(臨床研究部門)を受賞して
徳島大学 Limeisa


今回私が発表した研究演題は、「Impact of Near-Peer Teaching on Medical English Learning Motivation among Medical Students and Residents」という内容でした。この演題は、私が所属しているUSMLE勉強会グループ「USMLE Study Group of Tokushima (USGOT)」の活動についての研究となります。USMLEの勉強会はもちろん、英語や海外留学に対するモチベーションを向上するためのグループです。これらの目標を達成するため、私たちは教室で一般的なTeacher-centered アプローチではなく、Near-peer teaching方法を用いて活動をしています。この方法はTeacher-centeredと比較して、参加者の英語能力や留学・USMLE受験に対する姿勢においてどのような活動効果があるかを分析してみた研究でした。



Excellence Award Winner (Clinical Research Category)


Excellence Award (Clinical Research Category) Recipient’s Remarks

Shun Yamashita, MD

Saga University Hospital

I would like to express my gratitude for selecting my research entitled “External validation of a clinical prediction model for infective endocarditis among patients with undiagnosed fever: A multi-center retrospective study” as an award for excellence in the section of Clinical Research at the American College of Physicians (ACP) Japan chapter annual meeting & lecture session 2023. I have seen that many notable doctors received various awards at the same annual meeting. I have kept in mind “one day, I want to achieve an award the meeting, too”, with yearning and awe for the award at the same meeting. It is my great pleasure to be selected to the award for excellence, making me feel as if I could have also joined in one of such doctors.

It can be difficult to diagnose Infective endocarditis (IE), the subject of this study. I have experienced many IE cases as follows: a case with disturbance of consciousness after surgery, who was diagnosed with IE after a short while; a case that could be diagnosed only by open-heart surgery; and cases that it became difficult to diagnose with IE due to the administration of antibiotics prior to obtaining blood culture samples. Among them, a case with a bad experience for me was included. I believe that the difficulty of diagnosing IE is owing to lack of the measures to estimate the probability of IE as early as possible after the patient’s admission, making the difference between doctors of the decision whether IE can be suspected in clinical settings. Therefore, we conducted a single-center study at a university hospital in Japan as a previous study and developed a prediction model for IE using only indicators that can be easily obtained even at hospitals without advanced medical equipment. In this study at four university hospitals, the external validation of the model also showed the excellent accuracy. In the future, I would like to clarify whether our model can be applied to multiple institutions, including community hospitals in Japan.

The quality of all research, presented as candidates for the Kurokawa Award other than my research, were very high. The question-and-answer sessions in English by those presenters were also excellent and overwhelmed me. I am very grateful to have been given such a honorable opportunity. I would also like to express my gratitude for the following hospitals joined in this research team: the Department of Diagnostic and Generalist Medicine, Dokkyo Medical University; the Department of General Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Juntendo University; and the Department of General Medicine and Emergency Care, Toho University School of Medicine, Omori Hospital. I will continue to devote myself to contribute to improve the quality of future medical care. Thank you very much.



ACP日本支部年次総会・講演会2023 一般演題優秀賞(臨床研究部門)を受賞して
佐賀大学総合診療科 山下 駿

この度は、米国内科学会(ACP)日本支部 年次総会・講演会2023において、私の研究演題“External validation of a clinical prediction model for infective endocarditis among patients with undiagnosed fever: A multi-center retrospective study”を臨床研究部門の優秀賞に選出していただき、誠にありがとうございました。これまで、名だたる先生方がACP日本支部 年次総会・講演会でさまざまな賞を受賞される姿を目の当たりにしてきました。同会での受賞に憧れと畏敬の念を抱き、「いつか自分も」と思い続けてきました。今回、優秀賞に選出していただき、そのような先生方の仲間入りができたような気がして、大変光栄です。


私の他に、黒川賞候補演題として発表された演題はどれも非常に質の高いものでした。発表者の英語による質疑応答も素晴らしいもので、圧倒されてしまいましたが、このような素晴らしい機会を与えていただけたことに感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです。また、本研究にご協力いただいた、獨協医科大学総合診療科、順天堂大学附属順天堂医院総合診療科、東邦大学医療センター大森病院 総合診療・急病センターの先生方には、この場をお借りして御礼を申し上げます。引き続き、未来の医療の質の向上に貢献できるよう、精進を続けていきたいと思います。この度は、本当にありがとうございました。


Special Award Winner (Medical Student )


Special Award (Medical Student ) Recipient’s Remarks

Ryuto Ohashi

International University of Health and Welfare

I am deeply honored to have received the Special Award for Medical Student at the ACP Japan Chapter 2023 Annual Meeting. Under the title of “Successful Preventive Strategies for COVID-19 at the Interactive Festival in Shibuya, Tokyo.”, I presented the infection control measures implemented at the interactive festival called “Shibuya Zunchaka!” held on September 3-4, 2022, in Shibuya, Tokyo as the case report.

During that time, amidst the seventh wave of COVID-19, the Emergency Statement was declared in Tokyo, leading to the cancellation of numerous cultural events including music festivals. However, by assuming that meticulous evidence-based preventive measures would enable the safe conduct of interactive events, we executed the event. As a result, despite the attendance of 20,000 individuals, we successfully avoided any new infections during and after the event.

Nevertheless, I acknowledge that this case report might not yield immediate impact. This is due to the rarity of a pandemic as significant as COVID-19, which occurs only once every century. Thus, the true purpose of this case report lies in serving as a precedent, demonstrating that “with proper infection control measures, interactive events can be held” even in the event in another pandemic outbreak. This precedent can assist event organizers and contribute for some extent.

Although I initially did not consider presenting the case report until several months after the event had concluded, as our studies progressed, I came to recognize the value of sharing the infection control measures we implemented from a public health perspective. Furthermore, being my first presentation at an academic conference and given that it was entirely in English, I experienced nervousness and could not deliver the presentation as smoothly as rehearsed, even in the online format. Nevertheless, the precise advice and pertinent questions from the attending doctors were greatly stimulating. I also had listened to presentations from other doctors, and I was deeply impressed by the breadth and depth of their medical knowledge and presentation skills, motivating me to strive for improvement.

Lastly, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the volunteer team of “Shibuya Zunchaka!” for their involvement in implementing infection control measures, to the audience who cooperated with the measures on the day, and to Prof. Harumi Yano and Prof. Takayuki Oshimi from International University of Health and Welfare School of Medicine, who provided extensive guidance for my presentation. I extend my sincere thanks to the organizers of the ACP Japan Chapter 2023 Annual Meeting for providing me with the opportunity to present.