福島県立医科大学附属病院の佐々木 庸輔先生から、Internal Medicine Meeting 2023 Doctor’s Dilemmaの体験レポートを頂きましたのでご報告いたします。
この度2023年4月にサンディエゴにて開催された米国内科学会のDoctor’s dilemmaに挑戦させていただきました,福島県立医科大学附属病院総合内科専攻医の佐々木 庸輔と申します.
Doctor’s dilemmaは早押しクイズ形式で行われ,司会者がまず問題文を読み上げ,回答権を勝ち取ったチームが回答を口述するというものでした.司会者が問題文を述べ終えてから問題文がモニターに提示されるため,英語のリスニング力が当然の如く試されました.一瞬の逡巡も許されぬスピーディ-な熱戦が繰り広げられていましたが,その雰囲気に呑まれて唖然としているうちにあっという間に終わってしまったというのが正直なところです.皆様のご期待に沿えず,準決勝に進出することはできませんでした. 難しい問題もありましたが,今回の主たる敗因は,紛れもなく「言語の壁」であったと感じています.
My name is Yosuke Sasaki, and I am a resident doctor in the Department of General Internal Medicine at Fukushima Medical University Hospital.
In the preliminary round of the Japan Chapter Congress that I participated in as an initial resident in 2021, I won second place and earned the right to participate in the Congress. I had initially planned to participate in the 2022 main competition, but I had to give up my participation in tears due to concerns about the COVID-19 pandemic. However, thanks to the special arrangement of the ACP Japan Chapter and the headquarters, we could participate as a three-member team with senior members of our department who won the championship in 2022.
I confess that I was anxious and nervous because it was my first time traveling abroad. But all the members of the Japan Chapter warmly greeted me, which encouraged me a lot.
The dilemma was conducted in a quick push quiz format, with the moderator reading the questions first and the team that won the right to answer dictating the answers. The questions were presented on the monitor after the moderator had finished reading the questions, so Listening skills are required as a matter of course. The speedy and heated competition, in which not even a moment’s hesitation was allowed, ended in a blink of an eye, and I was stunned by the atmosphere. Eventually, we could not make it to the semi-finals in the quiz competition. I think one of the primary reasons for the loss is the “language barrier.”
I was inspired by an American physician’s passion for internal medicine and impressed by their extensive knowledge and warm-heartedness. I always felt frustrated because I could not communicate with local people in English as much as I wanted to. These experiences have motivated me to learn not only medicine but also English, which will be necessary for my future growth as a physician and have significantly broadened my narrow perspective as a physician. In other words, the biggest takeaway from this trip was that I recognized the importance of having a global perspective as a Japanese physician. Learning English is indispensable to absorbing medical knowledge in depth and breadth. Therefore, after returning to Japan, I have been improving my English daily.
I am grateful to all the members of the Japan Chapter for giving me valuable opportunities and subsidizing my travel expenses. I am truly honored to be a member of the ACP and look forward to continuing my journey as a physician. Soon, I hope to return to the United States to compete once again.