2021年度ACP日本支部Laureate Award受賞者の言葉


2021年度ACP日本支部Laureate Awardを受賞して

聖マリアンナ医科大学 腎臓・高血圧内科教授の柴垣有吾先生から、2021年度ACP日本支部Laureate Award受賞の報告を頂きましたのでご報告いたします。


聖マリアンナ医科大学 腎臓・高血圧内科 教授


Yugo Shibagaki, MD, FACP


この度、2021年度ACP Japan Chapter Laureate Awardを頂き、大変有難く、日本支部会員の皆様に心より感謝申し上げます。

私がACP日本支部と関わることになったのは、ACP日本支部が日本内科学会と分かれて、独自の総会を行うこととなり、前理事で、当時Scientific Program Committee委員長となられた福原俊一先生に誘われたことが発端です。福原先生は、以前より、その人格や実行力・誠実さを心から尊敬する方でしたし、学会が政治的な集団でなく、純粋に学問を通して高め合いたい人達の梁山泊であるべきと考えている中で、福原先生の「真にアカデミックな会を作ろうよ!」という極めて魅力的な言葉に少しでも貢献したいという気持ちでした。その後、福原先生よりScientific Program Committeeを引き継ぎ、何年か仕事をさせて頂きましたが、私の後任に濱口杉大先生という正にACP日本支部の理念を体現するような素晴らしい方になって頂いたことで、私のような専門バカの役割が終わったことを大変嬉しく思いました。その後のACP日本支部の発展は目を見張るものがありますし、今後も新しい支部長の下、益々の発展を祈念しています。そのようなACP日本支部のtransitionに一部関与する機会を頂き、栄誉な賞まで頂いたことに再度、感謝を申し上げます。ありがとうございました。

2021年度ACP日本支部Senior Contribution Award受賞者の言葉


2021年度ACP日本支部Senior Contribution Awardを受賞して

新生病院名誉院長・執行理事 / 日本医科大学客員教授 / 横浜市立大学医学部臨床教授の大生定義先生から、2021年度ACP日本支部Senior Contribution Award受賞の報告を頂きましたのでご報告いたします。


新生病院 名誉院長・執行理事

日本医科大学客員教授 横浜市立大学医学部臨床教授


Sadayoshi OHBU, MD, MMedSc(Clin. Epid), FACP

この度、思いがけなく、受賞させていただくことになりました。本当に有難いことと存じます。関係各位に御礼申し上げます。私は、日本内科学会・旧内科専門医会の時から、プロフェッショナリズムについて関わらせて頂きました。木野昌也先生が委員長をなさっていた2006年から、Health and Public Policy Committeeで副委員長として委員会活動に参加、さらに理事として関わらせて頂きました。この間、同Committee ではプロフェッショナリズムやその他の社会活動を扱いました。

また、専門医会の際に翻訳作業に関わった(現在ACP日本支部も幹部の方々も参加されました)、米欧ミレニアム内科医師憲章は現在もなお日本支部のHP内で取り扱ってくださって特にうれしく思います。私は現在長野県の地域包括ケアを主とする病院に2泊3日で新幹線、非常勤勤務をしておりますが、他日は東京近辺で、数か所大学医学部、医科大学で非常勤講師として、プロフェッショナリズムの授業をまだ担当させてもらっています。そこでもプロフェッショナリズムの内容の説明にこの医師憲章を取り上げています。ACP日本支部のお陰で、今の活動もさせてもらっているのではと感じます。超高齢化社会で医療の地殻変動が進んでいます。コロナ禍はこれを適正なものにするための方向づけに役立つ可能性もあるかとも思っています。自分のこれまでを振り返ると「少年老い易く学成り難し」を痛感します。しかし、思い直して「明日死ぬかのように生きよ 永遠に生きるかのように学べ」で過ごしたいと居直っています。



Kurokawa Award Winner (Medical Student Category)


Kurokawa Award (Medical Student Category) Recipient’s Remarks
Eriko Kamijo, MD, St.Luke’s International Hospital Junior Resident
Chiba University, 2015-2021

I am honored to have received the Kurokawa Award at the ACP Chapter Annual Meeting, 2021.

I reported a case of “Lower extremity edema caused by squamous cell carcinoma: physical findings and tests useful for differentiating lymphedema”. Malignant tumors sometimes develop secondary lymphedema and need to be diagnosed early. I focused on the usefulness of Stemmer’s sign and Indocyanine green (ICG) lymphangiography in diagnosing secondary lymphedema.

When trying to pinch the dorsal skin over the proximal phalanx of the second or third toe, Stemmer’s sign is positive if the skin cannot be pinched. It is a useful physical examination to diagnose lymphedema. The sign is often used on the place we showed above, but can be used on all other toes; pinching the dorsal skin immediately proximal to the metatarsophalangeal joint can also be substituted for technical simplicity.

ICG lymphography is also useful for diagnosis. The diagnostic ability of ICG lymphography and its evaluation capability for disease severity is similar to lymphoscintigraphy which is the gold-standard examination for extremity lymphoedema but with less invasiveness and a lower cost.

In this case, the primary lesion was a black ulcer on the lower limb, causing the edema throughout the ipsilateral lower limb, and we were able to make a diagnosis through an accurate physical examination. I would like to gain my experience to find a quicker, easier, and more accurate way to diagnose edema and other conditions that I encounter in my daily practice.

This was my first time to present a case report, and I stumbled over a lot how to summarize and convey the information. However, I realized that by looking back on each case from an academic perspective, it became an opportunity to learn deeply and connect it to my next medical examination.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the teachers of the Department of General Medicine, Chiba University, who have given me great guidance since my clinical training. I would also like to express my gratitude to all those involved in the Japanese Section Meeting of the American Society of Internal Medicine for giving me the opportunity to make a presentation.



ACP日本支部年次総会・講演会2021 黒川賞(学生部門)を受賞して
聖路加国際病院初期研修医1年 上條恵莉子


今回私は”Lower extremity edema caused by squamous cell carcinoma: physical findings and tests useful for differentiating lymphedema”という演題を発表させていただきました。悪性腫瘍は時に二次性リンパ浮腫を発症することがあり、早期に診断する必要があります。二次性リンパ浮腫を診断する上で、Stemmer‘s sign とインドシアニングリーン(ICG)リンパ管造影検査につの有用性を中心に発表しました。

Stemmer‘s signは足の背側の皮膚を持ち上げようとした際に、皮膚をつまむことができない場合に陽性と判断し、リンパ浮腫の診断に有用な身体診察です。Stemmer’s sign を施行するときは、第 2または3 趾が頻用されますが、他のすべての足趾も用いることができ、中足趾節関節のすぐ近位の背側の皮膚をつまむことで代用することができ、技術的に単純化することができます。







Kurokawa Award Winner (Early Career Physicians Category)


Kurokawa Award (Early Career Physicians Category) Recipient’s Remarks
Shinichi Katsukura, Dokkyo Medical University

I am very honored to receive the prestigious Kurokawa Award at the 2021 Annual Meeting of the ACP Japan Chapter.

The rise of artificial intelligence in the medical field has been remarkable, and the same is true for the research in clinical diagnosis, which our team espouses as the research interest.

There are two AI-based outpatient medical support systems: The AI-driven automated medical-history-taking systems and the AI-driven differential-diagnosis lists.

However, there have been no reports comparing and verifying which of the two systems contributes more to the physician’s diagnostic process, which prompted us to plan this study.

Consequently, this study showed that the AI-driven differential-diagnosis lists did not have much efficacy on the physicians’ diagnostic accuracy, but the results also suggested that as the diagnostic accuracy of AI improves, the physicians with the system will also improve their diagnostic accuracy.

Our team, the Department of Diagnostic and General Medicine at Dokkyo Medical University, whose core interest is the development of diagnostic thinking strategy, will continue to promote augmentation in diagnosis between physicians and AI towards the singularity.

I am very grateful to Professor Taro Shimizu, Dr Yukinori Harada, and other fellow members of my department for their generous guidance from the planning of the research to the presentation.

Finally, I would also like to express my gratitude to the staff of the ACP Japan Chapter for providing such a wonderful setting for my presentation. I would appreciate so much.



ACP日本支部年次総会・講演会2021 黒川賞(若手医師部門)を受賞して
獨協医科大学 勝倉 真一


Kurokawa Award Winner (Resident/Fellow Category)


Kurokawa Award (Resident/Fellow Category) Recipient’s Remarks
Yoji Hoshina, U.S. Naval Hospital Yokosuka

I am extremely honored to receive this prestigious Kurokawa Award at the ACP Japan Chapter Annual Meeting 2021.

The case I presented was “A case of myasthenia gravis after administration of COVID-19 vaccine,” which I experienced during my rotation in the Department of Neurology at the U.S. Naval Hospital Yokosuka. Myasthenia gravis is known to be triggered and exacerbated by various factors, including infection and medications. In this case, there were no obvious changes in the patient’s daily life before the presentation of symptoms, except for the administration of the COVID-19 vaccine. Although we cannot conclude that the vaccination was related to the exacerbation of his symptoms, I thought discussing and presenting this case would lead to the “activation of the academic mind,” which is the annual meeting theme. The difficult part of the discussion was that there were no identical cases in the past, so we had to hypothesize based on similar cases and the mechanism of vaccine and COVID-19 infection. I could not have done it without Dr. Baker and Dr. Sowers, who have supported me. I would like to thank Dr. Baker and Dr. Sowers from the bottom of my heart.

Last but not least, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the staff at Chiba University Department of General Medicine, where I spent time before going to Yokosuka, for encouraging me to pursue my interest in an academic area. I would also like to express my sincere gratitude to the people involved in the ACP Japan Chapter Meeting, who decided to hold the meeting virtually during the COVID-19 pandemic and worked hard until the end.



ACP日本支部年次総会・講演会2021 黒川賞(研修医部門)を受賞して
横須賀米海軍病院 保科耀司

