ACP Japan Chapter


2023~2024年度 Rising Star Scholarship Program 参加レポート(2)

JCHO九州病院 田中 幸介

ACP Convocationで名嘉先生、矢野先生(Governor)と一緒に撮影

この度総合内科医としてのキャリアを伸ばすために貴重な機会を頂き、名嘉祐貴先生と一緒にACP I.M. (Internal Medicine) Meeting 2024への参加およびカナダのアルバータ州Foothills Medical CentreでのPOCUS (Point of Care Ultrasound) の研修を合わせて2週間参加させて頂きました。改めて支えて下さった皆様、そして快く送り出してくれたJCHO九州病院の同僚に感謝を述べさせて頂きます。本当にありがとうございます。

・Pre-course (day1.2)

Geriatrics and Palliative careとQuality Improvement(QI)を受講しました。
後者は事前学習用の反転授業を受けてから臨みました(当日資料は終了後配布)。当日はそれを踏まえて自己の実現したいQIを洗練させ、プレゼンしていくsmall group discussionの形式でした。英語が堪能ではない私には少しハードルが高くありましたが、参加者はとてもフレンドリーで、私のプレゼンも真摯に聞いてくれ、充実した時間を過ごすことが出来ました。

・ACP IM Meeting 2024 (day3.4.5)

本会では多くのセッションがあり、主に教育に関するセッション(教育回診のやり方やプレゼンテーションなど)を受けました。また、Doctor’s Dilemmaやポスター発表など活躍されている若手の方々から大変刺激を受けました。セッション以外ではConvocationへ参加(圧巻)、懇親会やBrigham and Women’s Hospitalの見学を通して、多くの海外でご活躍の日本の方々(学生から大先輩まで)と交流することが出来ました。

カナダのアルバータ州支部長 Dr. Irene Maと一緒に撮影

・POCUS @Foothills Medical Centre (Week 2)

Dr.Maを師事し、1週間POCUSを学んできました。ローテーター3人、フェロー1人、Dr.Maの合計5人のPOCUS TEAMに入れてもらいました。ローテーターは年に30-40人程度いるとのことであり、非常に人気があることが伺えました。facultyは6人程いますが、まだまだ足りないとのことでした。基本業務はコンサルト患者の診察(POCUS)および手技(主には腹水・胸水・関節穿刺など)をDr.Maの直接指導の元に行っていました。ランチはチーム全員で、コンサルト業務終了後はDr.Maがリクエストに合わせたレクチャーを膨大な資料の中から(もしくはホワイトボード形式で)教えてくれるといった非常に贅沢なものでした。どうしてもDr.Maの都合が合わない時はレジデント同士(+私)でPOCUSの練習をし、技量を高めていました。中日には懇親会も開いて頂き非常に有意義な1週間を過ごすことが出来ました。

カナダのアルバータ州支部長 Dr. Irene MaとPOCUSグループの皆様と撮影

今回2週間貴重な経験をさせて頂き、世界がとても広がったとともに自身の人脈を広げることが出来たと感じています。来年以降の方々にもRising Star Scholarship Programに是非参加して欲しいと思うとともに、可能であれば是非Dr.Maの元での研修も合わせて行うことをお勧め致します。改めまして今回貴重な機会を頂きました矢野晴美先生をはじめとした皆様に心より感謝申し上げます。本当にありがとうございました。

ACP Annual Conference Internal Medicine Meeting 2024
Rising Star Scholarship Program Awardee

Kosuke Tanaka, MD, JCHO Kyusyu Hospital

I was fortunate to have a valuable opportunity to advance my career as a general internist, participating in the ACP annual meeting with Dr. Yuki Naka and undergoing a week of training in POCUS at Foothills Medical Centre. I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who supported me and to my colleagues at JCHO Kyushu Hospital, who kindly let me attend. Thank you very much.

・Pre-course (day1.2)

I took lectures on Geriatrics and Palliative Care and Quality Improvement (QI). The former consisted of six modules in a lecture format, with handouts provided in advance, allowing me to prepare and understand the content adequately despite my limited English proficiency (it seemed that many other pre-courses also had pre-distributed materials). For the latter, I attended a flipped classroom for pre-learning (materials were distributed after the session). On the day of the course, we refined the QI we wanted to achieve based on that pre-learning and presented it in a small group discussion format. Although I’m not good at English, the participants were very friendly, listened attentively to my presentation, and I had a fulfilling time.

For both days of lunch, I attended sessions on vaccine-related topics. I noticed differences from Japan, such as buffet-style lunches and interactive voting. Also, the materials were shared after the sessions, making it easy for review.

・ACP IM Meeting 2024 (day3.4.5)

At the conference, I attended many sessions, primarily focusing on education (such as how to conduct educational rounds and presentations). I was also inspired by young professionals who were active in activities like Doctor’s Dilemma and poster presentations. Besides the sessions, I participated in Convocation (impressive), as well as networking events and a visit to Brigham and Women’s Hospital, where I was able to meet many Japanese professionals who are active overseas (from students to senior professionals).

・POCUS @Foothills Medical Centre (Week 2)

During the second week, I studied POCUS at Foothills Medical Centre under the guidance of Dr. Ma. I was placed in a POCUS team consisting of three rotators, one fellow, and Dr. Ma, totaling five members. I learned that there are about 30-40 rotators per year, indicating its popularity. While there are six faculty members, more are still needed. Our main tasks were conducting consultations (POCUS) and procedures (mainly for ascites, pleural effusion, and joint aspiration) under Dr. Ma’s direct supervision. Lunch was shared with the entire team, and after finishing the consultation work, Dr. Ma generously taught us requested topics from a lot of lectures (or on a whiteboard). When Dr. Ma was unavailable, the residents practiced POCUS among themselves (+ me) to improve their skills. We also had a dinner mid-week, making it a very fruitful week.

Through this two-week training, I feel that my world has expanded, and I have been able to expand my network. I hope that future participants will also take part in the Rising Star Scholarship Program and, if possible, I highly recommend training under Dr. Ma. Once again, I sincerely thank everyone, especially Dr. Harumi Yano, for this valuable opportunity. Thank you very much.

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